Energy markets
This paper presents an overview of a simulation platform for studying the behavior of energy retail markets where multiple energies enter in competition. This platform is based on autonomous agent techniques. The simulations include agents representing Residential, Commercial and Industrial Consumer Groups, Electricity, Gas, Heat Retail Suppliers and Energy Deliverers, Regulators, Market Operators, Economy and Information Environment. Each pursues its own interests and from their interaction a complex collective behavior emerges. Agents formulate their strategies namely by inner complex simulation process that try to guess other agent moves and define optimum decisions in energy purchasing, price fixing, market share wining, investing and capturing new consumers, among other. The process works on a FIPA complying platform being able to run in a parallel cluster machines. The paper shows the results of experiments illustrating that consumer awareness and rapid response are important to have a real market while lack of timely response allows retailers to take advantage of them. ..
IEEE PWRS Miranda paper final.pdf — PDF document, 176Kb